Email address: danyu dot zhang at uni dot lu; permanent: zhangdanyu2014 at gmail dot com

      I am a postdoc at University of Luxembourg since September 2023, under the supervision of Karin Melnick.

      I received my PhD in Math in May 2023, from The Ohio State University where my thesis advisor was Andrey Gogolev.

      My name in simplified Chinese: 张丹彧.


      I am broadly interested in questions with a flavor of understanding the underlying topology and / or geomerty of the spaces with the presence of dynamics (or maybe vice versa), though it might appear that I study smooth dynamics with hyperbolicity.

Papers and preprints

  1. Anosov diffeomorphisms on a product of surfaces (2022). arXiv. To appear in Geometriae Dedicata (online).
  2. Structural stability for fibrewise Anosov diffeomorphisms on principal torus bundles (2021). Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2024;44(1):334-352. arXiv.

Other formal writings

  1. New examples of Anosov flows on higher dimensional manifolds which fibre over 3-dimensional Anosov flows (2022). arXiv. (working on fixing / disproving the existence with Neige Paulet.)


  • Summer 24-25: Géométrie euclidienne et non euclidienne, Instructor of record
  • Winter 24-25: Linear Algebra 1, Tutorial $\times 2$


Recreational writings

…with presumably many mistakes.



Random stuffs

Èrhuángmáo in Luxembourg, You and Your Research, Math-life balance (YouTube channel; might autoplay), Pravoloxinone, Math Students Resource, Alice’s Adventures in Numberland, “intellectual generosity”, The GTM Test (?)

Lastmod: 2024-12-18